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Order Form

To place an order for the test, please fill out the form provided or contact us through any convenient means for you.

If you require an invoice, please provide the necessary details in the form (name, surname, and billing address or company name, address, and VAT ID). Also, provide the name, surname, and email address of the person for whom the test is being purchased (only if different from the contact form details).

    We care about your privacy. The administrator of the personal data provided in the form will be DESIGN NURTURE Magdalena Kochanowska. The provided data will be processed for the purpose of fulfilling the order placed in the store www.design-mindset-detector.com. Details regarding the processing of personal data can be found in the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

    I want to subscribe to the newsletter and receive inspiration, educational materials, and information about activities related to Design Mindset Detector™ at my email address. Your data will be processed for the purpose of sending you the newsletter, and the administrator will be DESIGN NURTURE Magdalena Kochanowska. Details: Privacy Policy

    • One test – 299 PLN (including 23% VAT)
    • One test with a 60-minute mentoring session – 799 PLN (including 23% VAT)
    • 60-minute mentoring session – 629 PLN (including 23% VAT), if you already have the test result
    • You can order any number of Design Mindset Detector™ tests
    • For group orders, we offer discounts
    The Design Mindset Detector Team
    We typically respond within 24 hours.

    Magdalena Kochanowska

    ul. Zielone Zacisze 3/20,
    03-294 Warszawa
    NIP: 525-204-21-99

    www: design-nurture.com